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Table Sponsorship Opportunities
Our Annual Banquet offers the opportunty for our partners to sponsor a table at several levels.

About Our Guest Speaker
Our speaker for the upcoming Annual Banquet will be Mark “Oz” Geist. You may know Mark as a member of the Annex Security Team that fought the Battle of Benghazi, on September 11, 2012.
Oz spent 12 years in the United States Marine Corps - and another decade in law enforcement, private investigating, and bounty hunting - before finishing his career as a security contractor in Benghazi, where he and the GRS Team were credited with helping save the lives of more than 25 Americans. He now travels the country speaking and serves as founder & president of Shadow Warriors Project, a non-profit he and his wife started to help private security contractors, veterans, and their families. Oz lives by his values of God, Family, Country, Corps.